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Leviathan: How to Break Controlling Spirits in Your Life (Digital Access)
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Leviathan: How to Break Controlling Spirits in Your Life (Digital Access)

14 reviews
$ 11.98 $ 19.97

Available on CD or as MP3 Download
2 Hour Series
What people say:
“Describes EXACTLY what I was going through!” 
“Now that I see how this spirit operates I can catch it before it goes to work!”


What is Leviathan- the twisting serpent?

The battle for the mind of man will intensify in the last days. If you find it difficult to focus, or experience moments when your mind is flooded with hostile hateful accusing thoughts towards others, you have encountered a spirit the Bible describes as Leviathan the “twisting serpent.” When this spirit is at work you will join David who said “They are always twisting what I say; they spend their days plotting to harm me.” (Psalm 56:5) It is described in Psalms, Isaiah and Job as a being with multiple heads and scales that are linked to pride. It is no ordinary spirit but a world ruler in the occult hierarchy of hell that rules nations. It is the ultimate gatekeeper behind cults and all forms of mind control. 

What does this spirit do?

  • It twists the meaning of words and seeks to destroy the unity of people. It seeks to divide and dismember the relationships God has connected you to in the body of Christ.
  • It fosters an atmosphere of accusation against you.
  • It works to hinder spiritual growth.
  • Many people link this spirit to insomnia and challenges with focus.
  • It is the hidden power behind the battle in culture that seeks to turn people groups against each other by race, gender, political ideology or religion.
  • Those most affected by it are least aware of its presence. It is currently wielding vast influence over media and political discourse making it impossible to think rationally.

This series will REVEAL:

  • How to quickly DETECT its operation.
  • How to PROTECT yourself, your family, business and ministry.
  • How to BREAK its influence.
  • HOW TO PRAY for others who are in its grasp.


As Seen on the Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!

There is an ancient power intensifying its effort to bring the world under its mind-controlling spirit. Lance Wallnau shows you how to identify and break its power over your family, workplace and America.


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