Your life is supposed to be an adventure marked with excitement, passion, and purpose as you journey to the summit of your ultimate life.
Yet if you are not paying attention, you could live most, if not all, of your life, going through the mundane motions of an everyday existence only to discover at the end of your life that God had SO MUCH MORE planned for you!
God offers you an altogether different quality of life that Jesus describes in John 10:10 as the “abundant life.” Jesus says: “...I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly.”
You should be living a life electrified by God himself, expanding and overflowing into every area of your human experience! This abundant life is what I call Level 10 Living.
Sometimes your life can change with a single question. For me, that question was, “Would you be willing to bottle your emotional state and give it away to your best friend as a gift for 24 hours?” My short answer was, “No.” That launched me into a quest to find a deeper, richer, and more meaningful life.
After ten years of research, I found the secret to sustained joy, peace, and love. Since then, I have taught thousands of people, just like you, how to experience the same thing!
If your life lacks emotional healing, financial breakthrough, marital fulfillment, or personal vitality, the answer is found in John 10:10. Over the last decade, our research into Level 10 Living has revealed four pieces to the puzzle of abundant life.
Piece 1: Becoming Unstoppable
What takes a man years, God can do in an instant. The best moments of my life are the times when I see a lifetime of transformation compressed into minutes. Becoming Unstoppable is part of the latest Level 10 Living series designed to do just that.
Becoming Unstoppable has three of the most powerful tools and mind-blowing techniques you can use to transform your life. It’s like a cosmic makeover.
After recording over 100+ hours of work with clients the world over we identified breakthrough techniques that literally blast people into a new level. Your I AM Statement, PASSION Statement, and DESTINY MAP.
Discover yours inside!
Piece 2: Gold Medal Performance
As you see news cycles approaching with greater stress in the last days, the antidote is a greater YOU in the last days.
Christ the Warrior of God, and Christ, the Love of God, is in you. You have the ability to be unstoppable and courageous, yet you also have access to kindness, empathy, and intimacy. The Bible commands us to “put on Christ” because the Spirit of God is in you. Once you know how to manage what is going on inside you, you’ll have power to command the environment around you. This is all what I call “gold medal performance.”
The Bible says something amazing. Writing to the Corinthian church, Paul said: “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (1 Corinthians 3:16)
“Know ye not that Christ is in you?” (2 Corinthians 13:5)
The message is clear. You have access to everything you need right now – because God is on the inside of you!
Piece 3: Your Ultimate Life Strategy
Unlocking Your Story is training that provides a critical beginning step to help you walk in greater abundance and freedom. I believe an abundant life comes out of principles that seem simple – but require strategy and persistence to live out in your day to day life.
The convergence zone is the place where you experience the future you—the person on the inside who wants to come out!
The Bible says something amazing. Writing to the Corinthian church, Paul said: “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (1 Corinthians 3:16)
“Know ye not that Christ is in you?” (2 Corinthians 13:5)
The message is clear. You have access to everything you need right now – because God is on the inside of you!
Piece 4: Unlocking Your Story
An abundant life isn’t necessarily about abundant resources. It is a journey that leads to a convergence of your passion, personal power, present path and prophetic purpose. It is a place of empowerment that drives your destiny.
Until you are living in a place where you have peace, hope, love, a sense of passion and engagement in something meaningful, you will never be in the place where you feel you are thriving.
Unlocking Your Story is training that provides a critical beginning step to help you walk in greater abundance and freedom. I believe an abundant life comes out of principles that seem simple – but require strategy and persistence to live out in your day to day life.
Stop settling for less than the full LEVEL 10 LIFE you were created to experience.
Everything we have learned has been packed into this training. You will be shocked at how quickly you will see the tangible change show up in your career, emotions, mental outlook, and the relationships that matter most! Unleash the Abundant Life!
Level 10 Living is your guide to the mountaintop of God’s plan for your life, where the real you is made manifest and your hidden potential is fully unleashed. It all starts the moment you conquer the Mountain of Me! Get your Level 10 Living training today!
Customer Reviews
Still haven’t received it.
I was so encouraged to learn about the convergence zone. I turned 50yrs old and feel so young at heart. This study has empowered my life. Thanks
Very much enjoyed this teaching. Recommend to a friend. Although I’ve been “working” on this area in my life, this teaching gave me a stronger drive and sharpened and refined my vision or passion for the direction I am going!
Ordered some others: Esther; Unlocking Your History; Favor; and quite a few books from amazon so I haven't got to this one yet! My heart has been so overwhelmed by these other teachings and everything from Lance that I watch on YouTube, that I am sure this will be just as big a blessing. Thank you so much for your obedience to God in sharing all these teachings. As my budget allows I will continue to soak up everything I can get ahold of!! LOL BLESS YOUR SWEET HEARTS! STAY STIRRED!
After taking the courses and doing the work, I am convinced that the track I'm on is exactly where I need to be, after some tweaks. Thank you so much, Lance!
Is there a payment option? An Affirm option perhaps? Love to all
Fantastic! Very timely, I was torn between selling my business or keeping it, then your course came across my path.
Learning a lot about about myself and how my core need is certainty & significance. Doing business in covid I have felt very uncertain and consciously incompetent. I'm trusting God as my partner and guide on this mountain of economy. So far I've been led to taking a salon business course to increase my competence and although scary I have found I'm actually enjoying the process. I awaken at 3:00 am and use that time to pray and read God's word which also has given me peace that he is with me in this journey. The verse that continually comes to mind is the Lord's prayer, "thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven", keeps me pressing in. Thanks for this amazing program. God Bless :)
This has been great. I have a long way to go but covering substantial ground. I have finished Unlocking Your Story and I am now working on Becoming Unstoppable. This is my second time through Becoming Unstoppable. I can feel like I'm not getting very far but then when I'm able to compare where I am now to where I was in the past I then can see that God has brought me a long way. Massive changes really, but significant change still to come. I will be working on this Level 10 probably until Christmas. There is A LOT to absorb. In a nut shell it has been amazing and deep change is regular.
I have been waiting for this type of curriculum for years. I have only finished this module, but will be completing the rest as I can. Everyone needs this if they want to mature in Christ.
Lance Wallnau has been a major influence on my life and family since I first heard him speak in 2008. This kit is full of gold and I would expect nothing less from Lance. Order it today and improve your life!
I would love to become a trainer for africa
I just started working through the dvds and the wheel of life. Thus far it is starting to open my eyes to the mountain where I need to focus.
I found the “Your Ultimate Life Strategy” to be very helpful. It engaged me to think more deeply about where I am at in life and has helped me to find great focus.
I am well satisfied with the resource but have been diverted! I am however committed to completion.
Amazing package of resources. I review the materials over and over and have come to realize I have been living at Level 10 level for many years and anticipate a new level and expression of kingdom living coming into focus for my next season. Go God!
The courses really helped me to identify those areas that were stumbling blocks and holding me back. This isn't just a self-help course, but focuses on who does God say that you are and what you are called to do based on your God-given talents. My "I am" statement is so fitting and very timely as I'm transitioning to another big change in my life. Thank you!!!
Myy wife and I watched all the DVD'S, loved every minute of them. We are now going through the entire 4 modules with the manuals. Eye opening and thought provoking. I had to repent a few times for my narrow minded views of the Kingdom of God. Working to apply this knowledge will bring the wisdom we need to further His Kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven. I wish more pastors and church leaders would get and study this material. We even bought some of cousin Billy's teachings.
I have not received it. I’ve been waiting to see if I was billed for it before contacting you.
I’m still working my way through the first course, “Becoming Unstoppable”. I’ve been waiting on the Lord and not hurrying, realizing that apart from Holy Spirit revelation I will not have any personal growth that lasts. I can testify to power to discipline taking every thought captive when it comes to self talk that had me in a slump of condemnation since a divorce two years ago. I am getting victory over shame and guilt and might I say bouts of depression. I’m growing in the area of confidence and purpose again. I’m not sure, however, what is helping me most, the “Level 10” course or listening on a regular basis to the Lance Wallnau podcast. It’s probably both. I’m for the first time in a long time, feeling an overall sense of overcoming victory in many areas of my life. Thank you, Lance, Anna Bell, and Mercedes and whoever else does all the behind the scenes work to help people excel!
Highly recommended, loaded with clarity and prophetic insight that empowers.
Great value, truth so needed to awaken and engage you into life’s destiny.
Good stuff.
My purchase was a gift for my daughter. I haven't heard back yet.
I'd love to do a review, if only I had the time. I'm the care giver for my 89 yr old mother. At this time I'm not even sure when I'm going to get to look at the material I ordered from you! I've not been able to review any of the material I've gotten from any one for two or three years.
Your Ultimate Life Strategy
Thanks for the wisdom and knowledge through Your Ultimate Life strategy teaching. I also received God’s Promises book for daily prayer decrees. Every morning I pray out loud new decrees for my family. Hallelujah Amen Shalom
Thanks Brother Lance and team, be blessed.
I met Lance here in St Louis years ago and value his perspective on the 7 Mountains and President Trump being a modern dat Cyrus.
Sorry, Haven't seen it yet.
I have not started it yet.
I love it . It is so powerful and clear . I have learned so much from it. And now I’m going lead others to it.
Thanks for being the best!
I’ve been in business, in ministry and through Bible school, and have taught the DISC system and “Purpose” classes for years now. I had just heard Bro Lance do the Seven Mountains and I was like...OMG! I’ve been teaching for YEARS that Christians should be leaders in all walks of life; I’d never heard anything so concisely done! My husband and I are in our mid-sixties and ready for our next assignments. I was so excited to take this class - I also purchased several others and am in the process of taking “Unstoppable”! This was wonderful!
The info in this study was mind blowing and kife changing. I wish i would have this when i first became a Christian... thank you so much for doing this ...
Everything I buy from LWM is a great investment in myself and enables Lance to minister all around the world. As One!
I have learned much from Lance and plan on buying more of his resources.
Thanks for making things clear
Hello I do like the material I just seem to have trouble finding it . It seems to have been sent outside of my order page. The other material I purchased downloaded. So Im always fishing to find it. As you may have assessed I''m not very computer savey
i cant wait to take it! i purchased it in faith to fully complete the wheel of life and find out where I stand in my calling. I'm in a season where I'm waiting on the Lord for my (awesome) husband and restoration of my family. My career is being led beautifully by the Lord and in his perfect timing so will my marriage, and relationship with my family members. i love Lance & Annabelle, christian power couple. You should do more bible studies together. thank you!
An excellent look at where you are and where you want to go. It affirms and directs.
This is a great resource and tool. I have used several tools before but this one is so practical and relates to real life experiences. Dr Lance Wallnau is a great teacher who is like the mentor and coach I have been longing to fill the gaps in my quest.
Ultimate Life Strategy
I don't like to sound banal, but this teaching ended up being life changing for me. I have been whining for a couple of years that I don't have enough clarity on what I am to do in the next season of my life but by the lesson 4 everything came together so clearly that it was almost scary (How is it that I didn't see it before?!)? did attend DreamTrip Livestream this past year and have listened to a number of other lessons and videos by Lance, G. Cooke and some others, so I am sure other seeds have been planted before. But it was this particular teaching that really made me ask myself the right questions and helped put everything together. Thank you Lance for being obedient to your call. You continue being a blessing to many and this is still just the beginning.
Wonderful resource level up
Your Ultimate Life Strategy
It was really good teaching Keep on the Good work :-) Bless you Big time
I'm sorry but I have not received any of the material as yet and was wondering if you sent it. the program ordered was what you shared on the Jim Bakker show.
I didn’t receive what I ordered and aid for
This is a great course to get a birds eye view on your life and lead you toward your calling/destiny. There are some great tools involved to help you discern which stage in life you are in. It is sort of a map to assess and stay focused on the things that matter and explain why you may be in a certain season, which can help with discouragement.
I highly recommend this course as a general blueprint for your life to get focused and it will enable you to come up with a strategy for the future. This course won't reveal your calling/ destiny, but it sure gets you on the right track and will help you stay there. I'm glad I made this purchase. : )
Did not receive this
We haven’t been able to view it, and couldn’t work out why
I so enjoyed the life stories. Especially of God keeping you as a Pastor for 20 years. :) How I relate with long times of training.
My life wheel was not as bad as I though. Had a little confusion on how to fill it out as most of the questions for each section were less than 10, so hard to fill out the 10 spaces on the wheel.
I was left with the feeling that I am not to be so stressed out about having to hit convergence. Been trying too hard on my own strength. Somehow hearing you explain it gave me more peace to relax in Him. Thank you.
This course was eye opening, liberating and life defining. I appreciate Dr. Wallnau's work and ability to make clear and "translate" what the Holy Spirit is saying. This is a must for anyone who is seeking Divine blessings which only come through obedience and divine alignment! It is truly a gift!
It is spirit provoking Great!
I have not started,thinking I was going to be sent a book or something.I apologize,I have let myself get to busy. Thank you Randi
I was first introduced to Lance Wallnau's 7 Mountains paradigm about 6 yrs ago when I attended a seminar in San Diego called Heart of the Samurai. I was at a very different place in life back then. Boy am I glad that I stayed connected somehow. I have never felt a compelling draw to 'vocational ministry' i.e. pastoring a church however I am called to be a minister in the market place. I have thoroughly enjoyed soaking in this teaching and know it will bear fruit as I keep pressing forward in my business and areas of passion and giftedness. It is a must for all who desire to be workers in the harvest field and represents a huge shift in the way we as post church age believers get to live as we continue kingdom work in our generation!!!
Insurance Producer and Training Manager
I recommend this course to anyone who is struggling with knowing what they are put on this earth to do. It was interesting , entertaining and informative. I’m so happy i took the course
Your Ultimate Life Strategy
This was exactly what I needed. The Lord has been dropping some bombs on me recently and this course confirmed all of them. It even brought me to my first Sunday morning speaking engagement, where I could release some of what was deposited in me. Thanks!
I never been able to access the E-Course. I never receive and personal password. I created my account and I the purchase in my account, but still cant access it. Help.
This web (e) training was the 1st product/web training of any kind I not only listened to from start to finish, but didn’t want it to end!
It set me on an enlightened upward and onward spiral that I hope and pray guides me to my level 10 Convergence.
Thank you Lance and Annabelle for being down to earth and bold in your presentation and for being obedient to God in your calling.
I actually and have seen me teaching, all who thirst for truth and those that thirst but don’t realize it, this type of revelation along with Lance, Annabelle and the other brothers and sisters called to teach and minister God’s Word!
I actually just purchased Lance’s Gold Standard e course and am looking forward to growing even more!
I’m still trying to download it to computer
I was really enjoying the lessons and wanted to finish all the material before going over much of it again. Unfortunately I was not able to get into my account for lesson 6. At this point, I am leaving for a three week trip to see my family on the east coast. I do have a copy of The Convergence Code and may have time to read it during my travels.
Lance, you provide great insight & depth to all your teachings. Thank you for allowing God to use you in His Kingdom building!
The videos were extremely helpful for explaining and expanding on what was written in the notes.
The Wheel of Life was quite eye-opening but difficult to do. We found it hard to assign a realistic score based on the questions asked.
The information in The Convergence Code E-Book was encouraging and thought-provoking. It helped to further define who we are and how we want to show up as we move into convergence.
Sorry I haven't finished going through the material yet.
Maybe my input is it a bit too fast to follow, I would like to go back through the material again so I can understand better
I haven't received in mail as of yet. Unless a download was thinking it was cds and books. I guess was e course
Excellente teachings and accesible material. Would love to take more courses like these and the opportunity to get them on sale was perfect for a student with low budget like me. Thank you very much and be blessed. Thanks for being such a blessing to the Body of Christ across the nations.
Great and relevant information
Recommend to anyone who needs clarity on their life purpose/calling. It won't give you the answer but will help you define what it is you would like to pursue in order to do what you love, what you're good at, and what can help you remain personal responsible in a financial sense.
hi i did not receive it yet?
on route?
thank you
I have this teaching life changing.
Lance gives a refreshing outlook (or should I say "in-look") into how any individual can 'see' and then take action in their life. I've watched it twice and each time, some new insight .
I participated online with last May's Dream Trip and gained so much revelation then. I was really pleased to see how Lance had put this together with great tools. The seeds were planted last year for lots of growth in this area and this course helped them sprout and grow taller. The Spirit tells me what to spend time on and we have a Holy Ghost party in my living room as I watch! Thanks, Lance, as always for excellent teaching. I appreciate your depth and how you always follow the Spirit.
I can't get access to the e-learning. Can you send another link
This has been eye opening and helping me identify where I continue to get stuck in cycles. This has given me the tools to continue to move forward when I don't see fruit. I'm taking my time working through the program, watching the videos more than once, and soaking as much in as I can. I'm loving it so far! My hope, dreams, and 'Can do' attitude have been restored!