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7 Mountains: The Rise and Fall of Nations

7 Mountains: The Rise and Fall of Nations

225 reviews
$ 22.48 $ 29.97

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
Matthew 28:19-20 NKJV
I believe that you and I have made a huge mistake with the Great Commission. We believed that if we preached the Gospel, prayed passionately, and broke through into heaven then, at some point, we would see a great spiritual outpouring that would change our nation forever. Yet, while we pursued awakening, the Devil discipled our nation so well that we lost our Christian conscience and cultural influence. 
How did this happen? I believe it was because we weren't taught the true cultural mandate hidden in the Great Commission.
Jesus says in the Gospel of Matthew, “go into all the world and make disciple of all nations.” YES, you and I are called to disciple NATIONS–not just individuals. In Mark's gospel, we are instructed to, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel” (Mark 16:15 NKJV). Going into all the world includes the 7 world systems that shape culture.
In this new DVD & CD series on the “7 Mountains,” I’m going to show you:
     –What and where the 7 Mountains are located.
     –How these systems work together to create a sustained pattern of public persuasion.
     –How these 7 spheres of society are used by the devil to shift the moral compass of a nation.
     –What sphere of influence are you called to be in and how you can influence a culture.
We have burned with a passion for prayer, revival, and awakening, but it is time we as Christians burn with a passion for cultural reformation that includes an apostolic paradigm that goes into every system and supports believers rising to the top.
Physical: 2 DVDs | 2 CDs | 2 Hours 40 Minutes 
Digital: Streaming Video | Downloadable Audio | 2 Hours 40 Minutes

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