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Killer Sheep Reformer [MP3 Download]

Killer Sheep Reformer [MP3 Download]

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$ 9.38 $ 24.99

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Module 1: Micro-Church Leadership

In this module, Dr. Lance discusses decision making, influence shaping, the idea of discipling nation-states, and why the family is the first micro-church.
1. Challenge Your Perspective
2. Senator Mike Crotts Part 1
3. Senator Mike Crotts Part 2
4. Banking on a Sweep of Revival
5. 7M
6. The Gates of Influence
7. Influence Shaping and Decision Making
8. Angels Assigned to You
9. Tares and Wheat Part 1
10. Tares and Wheat Part 2
11. Discipling Nation States
12. Micro Church Leadership
13. Line Upon Line
14. The Perimeter of Influence
15. The Influence of Individuals
16. A Sustained Patter of Public Persuasion
17. The Danish Study
18. The Defining of Reality

Module 2: Killer Sheep Reformer

Dr. Lance tares back the curtain on who defines the identity of a nation. Learn how David is the perfect example of the 3 groups within the Body of Christ, and better understand the importance of the statesman in today’s troubling times.
1. Killer Sheep Reformer with Intro
2. Who Defined the Identity of a Nation
3. Three Groups of the Body
4. Don’t Trust Until You Know
5. The Statesmen
6. The Reformer Killer Sheep
7. Values Sanctify Passion
8. He Went Forth for a City
9. Where Are the Leaders
10. Three Levels of Strongholds
11. Closing Prayer

Module 3: What’s Really Shaking in the World Today!

Dr. Lance walks us through the gateway of change, discussing the importance of imaginal cells during the Chrysalis stage, how to carry on through the season of doldrums, and the importance of being someone you’ve never been before.
1. Change Can Be the Gateway with Intro
2. The Unfolding Revelation in the Order Of Man
3. Instant Gratification vs. God's Time
4. The Well Plowed Fields
5. The Spirit Of Elijah
6. New Realities
7. The Sea of Duldrums
8. Imaginal Cells and the Practice of New Possibilities
9. The Season of Go for It
10. Shaking vs. Reality
11. Being Someone You’ve Never Been
12. The Status Quo
13. Nations Are the End Game
14. Apostles and Prophets Work Together
15. God Put You in the Arena

Module 4: How To Prepare for the Coming Chaos!

In this module, Dr. Lance illuminates the mechanisms that shape culture, the interpretations of beliefs, and explains the reality of disproportionate leverage.
1. Cultures Are Shaped by Experience
2. Know The Mechanisms that Shape Culture
3. Who Controls the Messaging
4. Praying in the Unknown Tongue
5. Small is the New Big
6. Victim Responsibility
7. The Ultimate Rebel to the Devil
8. Tares and Wheat of Nations
9. Judgment at the Gates
10. Disproportionate Leverage
11. Common Grace
12. Don't Fix the Fix That God Fixed

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