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Breaking Controlling Spirits

Breaking Controlling Spirits

192 reviews
$ 17.98 $ 29.97

There is a war being fought in the unseen realm between forces of good and evil, and the battlefield is your mind. 

Demonic activity is increasing at an alarming rate as we draw closer to the last days. You will not be able to ignore it and hope to avoid the consequences. Spiritual warfare is not optional. What must you do to prepare and guarantee victory over the enemy?

Lance Wallnau has been given specific prophetic insight and strategy on how to cripple the forces trying to wreak havoc on your life and loved ones. Through this series, you will be empowered to not only discern demonic attacks, you will learn how to break their power and grip.

You will also learn how to:
• Use supernatural battle strategies to conquer the enemy.
• Strengthen and train your spirit for victories.
• Understand and apply the power of covenant and agreements.
• Banish fear and dwell in an abundance of peace and joy always.
• Deploy Heaven’s secret weapon for overcoming addiction.
• Render powerless the global mind control attempt to manipulate your thoughts and emotions.

Lance also prays for you to be set free from all controlling spirits and be anointed for victory!

Available as CD series or Digital MP3 Download  |  3 CD Set


As Seen on the Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!

There is an ancient power intensifying its effort to bring the world under its mind-controlling spirit. Lance Wallnau shows you how to identify and break its power over your family, workplace and America.


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